Kenangan semasa my Ayah and Umi dtg hari tu. Most of the time duk umah je, and kalo keluar pon shopping2 locally. Diorg nak spend time dgn cucu, x heran dah jalan2 sgt ni, especially since this is the second time they came to Plymouth and had once lived on the outskirt of London once upon a time, so mmg x kisah dah bab2 tu. Tp carboot tetap agenda wajib hehehe... Anyway, visitnya skjp aje, tp terubat la rindu seketika... I've put all the pics in one video coz there are quite a lot that I would love to treasure them all. Background song plak drpd Taylor Swift's 'Best Day'. Mmg mendalam maknanya, sbb dia pon decicate lagu ni utk parents dia jgk. As her fan, mmg menyengat betul la dgn jiwa dan tema hari ni... Suka lagu dia sbb lirik penuh makna, dan bkn ulang2 mcm Lady Gaga dan other lagu yg memeningkan kepala. Aku plak mmg layan lagu2 country, so enjoy lah ye...
Seronoknya bila kerinduan mula surut.. Kak Nida ni tengah sarat lagi.. Insya Allah 12 Jun ni bonda akan sampai ke NZ..
k nida: sarat kerinduan ke sarat ber'isi'? ke dua2nya skali hehe
lagu2 country. that is so you hahahahaha
sumpit: kan? ko masih ingt lagi ek taste aku dlm muzik? aku kan fall in love with a song psl lirik dia, and what song has more lyric meaning than country? yg pop ke R&B skang ni asyik duk ulang verse sama, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, rebecca Black (annoying Friday song) yg sgt repetitive adalah sgt tension bagi aku!
et: PS, saja tgk2 chord dia, mcm simple je - C, D, G, Em je. haish, lagu2 yg lirik mcm ni yg ignites semula passion to touch the guitar ahem2. balik nnt kita jamming sama2 lg ok? (tu pon kalo jumpa gitarnya sorok mana)
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