You are now in the third trimester, and last, of your pregnancy! Your baby's crown-to-rump length is about 9.6 inches and your baby's total length is approximately 15.3 inches! Your baby now weighs about 2 pounds 3 ounces and is going to grow rapidly during this last trimester! Your uterus is about 2.8 inches above your bellybutton. If your baby were born now, it would have an 85% chance of surviving. Even though your baby is still not fully developed, she would be well within the limits of premature viability. You still have approximately 13 weeks left of your pregnancy, and during this time your baby must continue to grow and develop. If your baby was born at this time, she would have several complications that would require special attention. Because babies do not have adequate amounts of fat at this time, your baby would have to be kept inside of an incubator for warmth.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Shopping Spree!
Weekend ni kitaorg byk berjln, tujuan utamanya utk mebeli belah brgan Baby. Bukan apa, pengalaman si Rozi melahirkan baby awal at 7 bulan agak menggusarkan aku. Aku dah nak masuk 7 bulan soon, and if it were to happen to me, mmg satu apa pon x beli lg. Mak aku mmg ada pesan, kalo nak start shopping brg Baby tunggu masuk 7 months, pesan org tua2, kata dia. Aku selama ni ikut je la, setakat masuk2 jenguk kedai tu ada, tp x pernah wat actual purchase. Tp dah si Rozi pon ada placenta previa n dia bersalin awal, aku rasa ada baiknya aku bersiap sedia dgn the very basic of things la. Itu hari aku nengok baby si Rozi x pakai mittens atau booties, rasa kesian pon ada.... x tau sama ada dia x pakaikan atau mmg x de sbb x sangka bersalin awal.
Anyway, aku tgh mood nak jln2 dan ngada2 agaknya sbb byk2 tempat aku ajak Hubs gi One Utama. Adik2 aku yg dua org tu pon ngekor gak la. Last2 kat sana, bershopping kat Jusco gak. Chett... kat area umah aku ni ada dua lg Jusco kalo nak pegi, tp saje... ngade... gi Jusco One Utama.
Mula2 masuk bhg Baby tu, serious confused nak beli apa. Dah la tgh sale, berderu dgn expecting mothers kedai tu. Sampai trolley pon x de, tinggal bakul je. Haa... ni la guna adik2 ku yg membontoti kitaorg tu. Bila bakul dah penuh, masing2 galas kat tgn la item2 yg hendak ku beli itu. Keh keh keh... Dah la lama aku milih sbb x tau apa nak beli. At least aku x se 'clueless' Hubs la. Ada ke patut dia nak beli baju baby yg dlm kotak tu? Subhanallah... rupanya dia x tau yg baju2 tu semua overpriced, n utk bg hadiah org lain bersalin bole la, bkn utk anak sendiri.
Hubs mengomel kat tepi katanya, and get this, patutnya ada la 'Starter Pack' utk 1st time parents. Maksudnya, masuk kedai, ambik satu kotak pek permulaan tu, (yg ada complete dari baju2, lampin, diapers, tuala, toilettries etc), byr n pakai. I have to admit it's a brilliant idea, especially bila jamu2 lps bersalin dah dipekkan, but mana aci, x feel le, x leh belek2 semua. Ni la masanya nak cari pengalaman shopping utk baby sendiri... ala2 bonding experience before birth gitu la kan... Hubs ni, tahu nye nak cepat aje....
By the end of the day, byk la jugak aku memborong, all the essentials tu dah ada la kiranya. Suka aku tgk. Baju2 baby ni mmg menggeramkan sungguh. Ada ketikanya aku gelak songsorg tgk betapa cutenya stokin baby or topi dia. Hubs menggelengkan kepala je la. Ala... org laki, mmg cam tuh...
Sebelum balik tu aku belanja la rombongan cik Kiah tu Carl's Jr. Rasa teringin plak nak mkn kat situ masa lalu dpn kedai tu. Jgn terkejut ye tuan2 n puan2, aku mkn burger dia yg plus size tu abis sorg diri. Hehe...
Aku punya shopping spree tidak berakhir di situ sahaja. Esoknya, aku n Hubs ke Alamanda plak. This time, x la shopping utk Baby sgt, more utk bapak Baby. Mcm2 la Hubs nak beli, kan tgh sales. Siap dia suruh aku beli la kasut pregnant yg proper sket. Aku by that time, rasa sgt x larat dah, abis sakit betis2 aku, so aku declined aje la offer dia nak belikan kasut baru tu. Rasa nak balik je. Pesanan utk semua yg pregnant di luar sana, membeli belah la anda sebelum masuk 6 bulan ke atas, kerana sesungguhnya slps itu nikmat shopping akan slowly rasa berkurangan. Mula la lenguh betis, lenguh pinggang, lenguh bontot, etc....
Before balik sempat aku masuk MPH, order buku 'HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method'. Buku ni dah xde stock, tp bole order. In two weeks time, dpt la buku ni, Insya Allah... Ye ye je aku ni konon nak belajar HypnoBirth. Ntah bole apply ntah x... Apa pon, order je, x pernah rugi kalo kita beli buku kan... Well, can't wait to get my copy soon!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Double Deliveries
What are the odds that you give birth at 31 weeks? Slim?
Then, what are the odds that both of the pregnant staff at your office gave birth within the same night, at the same hospital and placed in the same ward afterwards? Even slimmer.
Well, I'm not talking about me, but about Hubs' colleagues at work.
Azeda, staf Hubs dekat ofis tu, dah bersalinkan anak lelaki sulung dia kat Hospital Serdang smlm. Also, Rozi, sorg lg staf dekat tempat kerja Hubs yg baru masuk 31 weeks tp terpaksa melalui emergency c-section sbb dia tumpah darah akibat placenta previa. Wow, that was scary. But luckily, both Mom n Baby sihat, and baby x yah masuk incubator pon, sbb berat dia dah 2.2 kg!
Chumil nya baby si Rozi. He was soooo tiny, but perfect otherwise. Rasa jeles sket pon ada. Even though it definitely gave Rozi the fright of her life, at least she didn't endure the painstakingly long labour pain, her baby's here, healthy and all, she doesn't need to go through the waiting for the 40 mega-long gestational weeks to be over, and she no longer gains the pregnancy weight! Untungkan?! But given a choice, I'd rather my Baby stays full term, snug inside my belly. I wouldn't want to take a risk.
Then, what are the odds that both of the pregnant staff at your office gave birth within the same night, at the same hospital and placed in the same ward afterwards? Even slimmer.
Well, I'm not talking about me, but about Hubs' colleagues at work.
Azeda, staf Hubs dekat ofis tu, dah bersalinkan anak lelaki sulung dia kat Hospital Serdang smlm. Also, Rozi, sorg lg staf dekat tempat kerja Hubs yg baru masuk 31 weeks tp terpaksa melalui emergency c-section sbb dia tumpah darah akibat placenta previa. Wow, that was scary. But luckily, both Mom n Baby sihat, and baby x yah masuk incubator pon, sbb berat dia dah 2.2 kg!
Chumil nya baby si Rozi. He was soooo tiny, but perfect otherwise. Rasa jeles sket pon ada. Even though it definitely gave Rozi the fright of her life, at least she didn't endure the painstakingly long labour pain, her baby's here, healthy and all, she doesn't need to go through the waiting for the 40 mega-long gestational weeks to be over, and she no longer gains the pregnancy weight! Untungkan?! But given a choice, I'd rather my Baby stays full term, snug inside my belly. I wouldn't want to take a risk.
I didn't get to see Azeda nye baby coz dia dah balik a few minutes before we got there. Azeda ni bersalin normal, so as soon as Dr confirmkan tiada complications, dia dah discharged out of the hospital.
Sempat la aku meneropong sket wad bersalin kat Hosp Serdang ni. Buat masa ni still x decide nak bersalin kat mana. Hubs is pretty adamant on going to a govt hospital. He thinks they're all the same. Moi? Well, I'm pretty much torned. But should I come to a decision later, sod Hubs' thoughts, coz I'll be doing all the pushings later :P
Congratulations to both Moms and Babies!
Sempat la aku meneropong sket wad bersalin kat Hosp Serdang ni. Buat masa ni still x decide nak bersalin kat mana. Hubs is pretty adamant on going to a govt hospital. He thinks they're all the same. Moi? Well, I'm pretty much torned. But should I come to a decision later, sod Hubs' thoughts, coz I'll be doing all the pushings later :P
Congratulations to both Moms and Babies!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Hari Isnin nya tu aku amik cuti coz rasa penat la berjalan byk over the weekend. But hari Isnin tu jugak merupakan hari Mesy dgn MOHE psl scholarship tu berlangsung. Anyway, on Tuesday, aku contact kerani tu nak tanya update, but she said x leh bgtau lg coz keputusan lom diminitkan. Oh, penantian itu satu penyeksaan. Sungguh!
Pagi ni aku call lg, tp still tiada jawapan yg conclusive. Tiba2 aje Abdullah bgtau sekejap sat ni yg kami bertiga dah diluluskan. Betul ke ni? Aku pun cpt2 call MOHE, dan sah la berita yg dibawa oleh Abdullah itu benar. Alhamdulillah...
So skang kitaorg tunggu dapat surat pengesahan dan dokumen agreement je la utk diisi. Lega rasanya...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Ke UK EduFair
Baru balik dari UK EduFair. Sebenarnya, tiap2 kali ada fair ni pon aku pegi, cuma x pernah la plak terasa yakin akan ada peluang suatu hari nnt nak wat PhD kat UK ni, setakat amik2 brochure je la. Last time dtg ngan En Am and K Fatma dari Fakulti Engineering, member Hubs. Kitaorg nyk goofed around itu ari. Tp kali ni dia x ikut. Katanya dia tgh apply ke Japan sana. Ada sket problem ngan CB application dia, aku x pasti apa, but I hope he gets the scholarship too in the end. He deserves it.
Anyway, this time, me n Hubs were on a mission. Mmg dah x nyinggah ke booth2 lain selain Plymouth U dah. Org yg jaga booth tu org sama mcm last time aku dtg, siap dia pon cam aku lg. Hehe segan plak, but at least dia tahu la aku bersungguh. Plus, this time aku bgtau la scholarship aku in process, tgh tggu official letter je. Lg dia warmed up kat kitaorg. Mcm2 aku tanya, pasal research, pasal Uni atmosphere, living environment, possibility of Hubs wat Master kat sana, etc, etc. Ada gak la dlm 35 minit tu layan aku sorg je. Aku rasa bersalah gak lama2 steal perhatian org tu, tp Hubs kata biar la, kita dah almost confirmed customer dah ni, org lain baru nak usha, so logik la dia layan kita lebih. Konon mcm duit dah nak bertukar tgn la kan, kalo dlm deal business nih. Org lain tu baru nak survey2 je. Ye ke mcm tu? So aku wat bodo je la walau pon org dah queue kat belakang, kebanyakan nya mcm potential undergrad la.
Lps tu kitaorg attack British Council nya booth plak, tanya psl visa etc. Leceh la jugak prosedur dia, tp apa bole buat. Suka x suka kena settlekan juga.
And then kitaorg pusing2 KLCC. Aku x larat sgt nak jln byk, so berjln la slow2 pas tu rehat kat bangku. Tgh ada pameran F1 kat tgh tu. Tiba2 ternampak Azree Shahrel sekeluarga. Rupanya diaorg pon dari EduFair juga. Mamat ni dapat gi Cambridge, cuma lambat plak dia menyetelkan hal CB dia atas alasan keluarga. Mmg bila difikirkan balik, family byk kena berkorban kalo partner dpt sambung blaja mana2. It's not always fun and game. Byk yg kena sacrifice.
Lps mkn ptg tu kitaorg pon balik la umah, sbb kedai2 brgan ibu n anak adalah bapak mahal di sini :(
By this week, your baby`s crown-to-rump length is approximately 9.2 inches. Remember, that is only from the top of his head to his bottom and does not include his leg measurements! After a month of having his eyelids sealed shut, your baby begins to open his eyes again this week. Your baby`s eyes are almost completely developed. Your baby`s eyes are blue in the womb and may change colors later in life. This is true for all races because the iris doesn`t have its final color until a few months after birth. However, some babies are born with darker or lighter shades of blue. Your growing baby will continue to put on layers of fat until he is born. He is still lean at this point of the pregnancy though. By the time your baby is born, he will assume the typical newborn`s plumpness. Your baby`s skin will still be wrinkled and red, but the fat continues to fill the skin out.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
6th Clinic Visit
Anyway, ini adalah checkup utk bulan ke 6, atau pun lebih tepat lg minggu ke-25+. Seperti biasa, amik urine sample and everything looked fine there, the result, I meant, not the urine. I stepped on to the scale, and oh, the horror, I now weigh 71 kg. But that was expected, and I am kinda amused that it is still a gradual 2 kg increase. BP was 112/72.
And then came the dreaded part - 2nd dose of tetanus shot. But it wasn't that bad, as I told you before that Dr Sy was a wizard with syringes. A little antsy pain as it went in and that was all to it.
Plus I got to do another ultrasound today. After being denied the chance to have an ultrasound last month, would you blame me that I could barely contained myself from jumping up on the bed and pulling up my shirt to reveal my belly before Dr Sy could say, 'Okay, kita scan...'?
Alhamdulillah, Baby kelihatan sihat n baik2 sahaja, cuma that wasn't Dr Sy's concern. He was more transfixed on the placenta. It was still low-lying. Dr Sy did not look too happy but he told me not to be too alarmed. 'There's still time for it to migrate,' he says.
I asked for a printout of the ultrasound coz Hubs wasn't with me today. It did come out alright, but since the baby was already big, you could only print part of the baby, as the whole body would not fit the screen in one shot. What you can here see is the baby's head.
Overall, not so good news on the placenta front, but still plenty to be happy about. Especially now that Baby gives out mighty good kicks that I cannot miss every now and then :)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Scholarship Meeting Postponed
A little update on the PhD scholarship front:
The scholarship meeting at the MOHE level was supposed to be held today. But in a typical fashion, it has been postponed 'till next week.
Well, we'll just have to continue biting our knuckles for an extra week. As they say, 'Patience Is Virtue...'
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Kenduri K Anis
Hari ni gi kenduri K Anis belah Abg Syed, husband dia dekat Denai Alam. Lawa n manis skali K Anis hari ni berbaju pengantin kaler plum. Majlis dia pon okay, albeit kecil2an la sbb kawasan tu still baru lg, x ramai sgt org.
Yg nak aku cerita kat sini ialah betapa kelakarnya bila time amik gambar, mak2 buyung yang ada kat situ (aku dan 2 lagi sepupu, Rini yg 8 bulan pregnant dan K Ayu, 7 bulan pregnant), duduk dekat2 pengantin, terus dah mampu menenggelamkan pengantin yg kecil molek itu jika tidak kerana baju dia n makeup dia. Heheh.. Sorry yeh, but it seems that the babies pon nak masuk gambar gak, pakat2 perut membulat boyot ke depan masa time for pictures!

P/S: Seperti yg dah aku bisikkan kat K Anis, kalo nak try for 2008 baby sempat lg nih, just in time la for sbb skang ni bulan Mac {wink, wink}
Ijah Gave Birth
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Lama x meng'update' ek?
Sebabnya balik kg Hubs kat Muar. Hubs nak balik ngundi, so aku ikut je la. Which means, aku x ngundi. But aku nak pakai alasan aku pregnant la, x larat. Pilihanraya sblmnya mmg dah ngundi dah, warganegara yg berhemah aku nih sebenarnya, wokeh?
Lama giler x balik Muar, sejak aku pregnant. Ye lah, aku dah fobia nak travel jauh2 atau buat apa2 yg lasak2. Biar lah org nak kata aku org lain pon pregnant juga, x la fobia lebih mcm aku, atau label ngada2 ke. Kalo apa2 jd kat aku mcm dulu bkn nya diorg nak tanggung. Biarlah asal family kita memahami cukup la. Biar beringat asal selamat. Aku pon x pernah plak halang Hubs kalo dia nak balik, so kira ok la tu.
Berbalik pada cerita pilihanraya, fuh, area Muar ni sungguh happening la, cuma kurg sket la drpd cam kat Ktan. Not going into too much detail la kan, bole dikatakan mmg sama naik la bendera antara puak Biru ngan puak Hijau. Seronok tgk org pancing undi, walau pon aku x ngundi. Mak gi gak ngundi, tp sbb dia uzur sket, dpt naik kerusi roda. Aku yg mengunggu dlm keta dok imagine songsorg, kalo aku turun keta ni sah ada org dtg jemput aku nak bawak ke kotak undi ngan kerusi roda... heheheh... syok ooo org tolak....
Hampas je aku dok kat kampung, x nolong satu apa benda langsung. Mak and Abah lak standard la, x pernah minta buat apa2. Aku sungguh seorg menantu yg spoilt. Tido je byk. Keh keh keh... mlm tgk DVD ramai2 ngan adik beradik Hubs. Best, best... tgk citer hantu la, citer ntah apa benda lg la... DVD marathon plak jadinya.
Masa kat kg aku giler ngidam nak minum Coca-cola. Ntah, rasa teringin sgt2. Last2 beli la botol kecik buat minum sikit2 amik rasa. X elok sgt sbb caffeinated drink. Plak org tua2 kata, air tu tajam. So, minum hirup2 sket je, wat rasa atas lidah kasi lepas ngidam.
Lama jugak la stay kg. Hari Selasa tu baru balik KL. Aku x sempat nak gi wedding Kak Anis kat Kelantan. Kalo x balik kg pon, mungkin aku x gi kot Ktan. Nak sampai Muar pon cam cukup berhati2, lg la nak wat trip balik Ktan. Lg mencabar jln raya dia, apa tah lg di musim cuti sekolah / mengundi ni. Perghhh... jgn citer la...
Ok itu saja update kali ni. On a last note, aku sgt2 teringin nak makan ikan bakar n seafood mcm kat Bagan Lalang tu. Meleleh air liur aku tgk gmbr stranger2 di blog org lain yg senang enak menikmati juadah masing2. {Drool}
Sebabnya balik kg Hubs kat Muar. Hubs nak balik ngundi, so aku ikut je la. Which means, aku x ngundi. But aku nak pakai alasan aku pregnant la, x larat. Pilihanraya sblmnya mmg dah ngundi dah, warganegara yg berhemah aku nih sebenarnya, wokeh?
Lama giler x balik Muar, sejak aku pregnant. Ye lah, aku dah fobia nak travel jauh2 atau buat apa2 yg lasak2. Biar lah org nak kata aku org lain pon pregnant juga, x la fobia lebih mcm aku, atau label ngada2 ke. Kalo apa2 jd kat aku mcm dulu bkn nya diorg nak tanggung. Biarlah asal family kita memahami cukup la. Biar beringat asal selamat. Aku pon x pernah plak halang Hubs kalo dia nak balik, so kira ok la tu.
Berbalik pada cerita pilihanraya, fuh, area Muar ni sungguh happening la, cuma kurg sket la drpd cam kat Ktan. Not going into too much detail la kan, bole dikatakan mmg sama naik la bendera antara puak Biru ngan puak Hijau. Seronok tgk org pancing undi, walau pon aku x ngundi. Mak gi gak ngundi, tp sbb dia uzur sket, dpt naik kerusi roda. Aku yg mengunggu dlm keta dok imagine songsorg, kalo aku turun keta ni sah ada org dtg jemput aku nak bawak ke kotak undi ngan kerusi roda... heheheh... syok ooo org tolak....
Hampas je aku dok kat kampung, x nolong satu apa benda langsung. Mak and Abah lak standard la, x pernah minta buat apa2. Aku sungguh seorg menantu yg spoilt. Tido je byk. Keh keh keh... mlm tgk DVD ramai2 ngan adik beradik Hubs. Best, best... tgk citer hantu la, citer ntah apa benda lg la... DVD marathon plak jadinya.
Masa kat kg aku giler ngidam nak minum Coca-cola. Ntah, rasa teringin sgt2. Last2 beli la botol kecik buat minum sikit2 amik rasa. X elok sgt sbb caffeinated drink. Plak org tua2 kata, air tu tajam. So, minum hirup2 sket je, wat rasa atas lidah kasi lepas ngidam.
Lama jugak la stay kg. Hari Selasa tu baru balik KL. Aku x sempat nak gi wedding Kak Anis kat Kelantan. Kalo x balik kg pon, mungkin aku x gi kot Ktan. Nak sampai Muar pon cam cukup berhati2, lg la nak wat trip balik Ktan. Lg mencabar jln raya dia, apa tah lg di musim cuti sekolah / mengundi ni. Perghhh... jgn citer la...
Ok itu saja update kali ni. On a last note, aku sgt2 teringin nak makan ikan bakar n seafood mcm kat Bagan Lalang tu. Meleleh air liur aku tgk gmbr stranger2 di blog org lain yg senang enak menikmati juadah masing2. {Drool}
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
Good News Some More
Weekend bebaru ni x de wat apa2 sgt, cumanya berkesempatan la gi beli baju maternity lg kat Warta. Also, on the way back, me and my Mom gi survey both Hospital An-Nur and Hospital Az-Zahrah punya facilities and maternity ward. Both mmg not bad, cuma ntah x leh decide lg la. In fact, x tau sama ada nak bersalin esok dekat hospital govt or private. Semuanya pona da pros and cons la, cuma saja, dgr2 kata kat both hospital ni leh wat tour, tu yg saja request tu.
Oh ya, I got good news today yg disampaikan oleh Yzma. Seorg lg geng kitaorg, Jiah, is also expecting, around 9 weeks or so. Congratulations to her! Wah, ada geng la Yzma utk bertukar cerita coz diaorg dlm jarak masa yg lebih kurang aje, expected to deliver sometime in September. Very good news indeed....
Today is also my youngest brother's birthday. So happy Birthday to him!!!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I Want My Name To Be ...
Oleh kerana dah nak masuk 6 bulan ni, aku n Hubs dah mula la ada koleksi kecil2an buku2 bacaan semasa pregnancy, doa dan amalan dan sebagainya la. Antara yg telah kami miliki:
Amalan Ibu Mengandung: Menurut Al-Quran, As-sunnah & Pengalaman
Siti Norbahyah Mahmod, Hj Muhammad Zakaria, Jaafar Salleh
Terbitan & Edaran Telaga Biru Sdn Bhd
RM 19.90
Overall, buku ni kira mcm pocket book la. Mudah utk wat rujukan dan doa yg disertakan tu mudah utk dihafal dan diamalkan. Cumanya, medical content mcm x byk (nama pun pocket book je kan), and if you have access to Internet and don't mind reading in English, most of the content bole search je la. But a plus point for putting in tips of berpantang and also petua org2 tua.
Mazneera Zainal
PTS Millennia Sdn Bhd
RM 20.00
Utk bacaan ringan, buku ni best. Kalo bangsa penakut mcm aku, mmg scary gak awal2 baca buku ni, sbb dia cerita pengalaman bersalin kan. But it's good in a sense that you have a gist of what women out there have gone through in the process. Its written in light Bahasa Malaysia, that's a plus point for me, coz it kinda give a sense that you're listening the experience from a layperson instead of baca textbook. Lagi satu best, sbb dia pecah2 kan mengikut kategori, bersalin normal, bersalin normal but with medical assistance, bersalin normal with medical intervention, bersalin caesar dan natural birthing. Bab natural birth ni aku rasa kurang berfaedah sket la, sbb mcm la kat Msia ni doktor nak layan request kita tuh, nak2 kalo kat gomen hospital, but it's good to create awareness amongst pregnant women la kot. Again, this part bole baca kat Net la. But I like this book.
Anugerah Buat Ayah dan Ibu
Hani Aliza Abdullah
Siri Pembangunan Keluarga
Siri Pembangunan Keluarga
RM 16.00
Buku ni pon byk menceritakan pengalaman ibu2 semasa mengandung dan melahirkan. Bezanya dengan yg buku kat atas tu, instead of categorizing it into bersalin normal, caeser, etc, dia tulis ala2 cerpen. Contohnya, Cerita 1: Antara Doa dan Harapan, which goes on to describe the story for 9 pages. Cerita 2: Rezeki DariNya Jua, 9 pages. You get the picture. Juga ada tip2 ringkas disertakan utk kaum ibu. Cuma aku kurang faham kenapa ada satu Bab tu khusus untuk cerita2 miscarriage, dan stillbirth etc. Quite disturbing jugak la baca (or may be it's just me?). Probably utk peringatan bahawa not all ends as we predicted? Or maybe utk membuatkan ibu2 merasa beruntungnya dpt anugerah yg tidak ternilai ni? Anyway, it's quite a convenient read and it helps kill time when you are waiting for your turn at the clinic for chekcup, etc... hihi...
The Pregnancy Book
Martha Sears, William Sears, Lynda Holt
Little Brown Publisher
RM 69.90
Buku ni bagus sbb dia explain the developmental growth from week to week, apa yg perlu dimakan, concerns yg perlu diambil kira, etc. Overall, mmg byk la bab yg disentuh, cuma mungkin x dpt nak sentuh all secara in-depth. Contohnya, bab Placenta Previa tu dia citer sket je, byk lg bole dpt kat Net, but byk juga complications lain yg dia citer. Plus gambar2 dia very graphical la, gambar real. Ada juga explain pasal labour stages and process dekat ujung2 buku tu. Also ada gmbr utk kita refer exercizes and light stretches yg bole dibuat. Very informational, but if you want your money's worth, beli n baca n amal la buku ni dari awal2 pregnancy. Kalo dah ujung, hmm... alamatnya dah termiss byk dah la ...
Pilihan Nama-Nama Dalam Islam
Abu Afiqah
Darul Nu'man
RM 13.00
RM 13.00
It is what it says it is - byk nama-nama pilihan dalam Islam disenaraikan di sini. Juga ada panduan bagaimana menyambut kelahiran bayi dan sebagainya.
Eh, dah jadik cam book review plak entry kali ni. Asalnya nak citer pasal lain, but related to books juga la.
This evening, aku ngan Hubs belek2 buku yg terakhir tu, ala2 mencari nama yg sesuai la utk Baby. Bcoz kitaorg x tahu the sex of the baby, we get to choose two names la, one for a girl, and one for a boy. Luckily me and Hubs punya taste sama la, it was a relatively easy task for us. We know what letter we wanted for the start of Baby's name, we know we want Baby to have a first name and a middle name, we both agreed that no cutesie names would make the cut, coz we don't want Baby to grow up and become a grandma/grandpa one day and still be stucked with a name that best suit a 5 year old, and a few more conditions that we've both agreed on.
And it looks like me and Hubs weren't the only one involved in the discussion. As we read through the list of names out aloud (so that we could hear how the name would sound if someone would call upon it), there was one name where Baby kicked real hard, as if saying, Yes! Yes! That one!
I tried re-reading the name, and Baby kicked again. I told Hubs, and he put his hand on my tummy and read the name again. As if on cue, Baby gave out a kick. We were quite puzzled, but we kept on reading. One name after another like we did before. No kick. Nothing.
So we went back and read the 'name' again. Lo and behold, Baby kicked from inside like previously so! Okay, now we're absolutely sure that if Baby is 'that' particular sex, we would name Baby that particular 'name'. Lucky for Baby we love that name too.
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